Adolescent Problems: A review of PCOD and its management in Surat.

Adolescence, which is often associated with changes in both the physical and the emotional states, is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood.

Many adolescent girls face a challenge, one of which is Polycystic Ovary Disease. As awareness about this issue increases and medical developments, cities like Surat are taking the lead in specialist advice and assistance in this area.

Understanding PCOD

PCOD which stands for the endocrine disorder that predominates among women during their reproductive years. Enlarged ovaries filled with small amounts of follicle fluid. This can lead to irregular menstruation, high androgen hormone levels, and ovarian cysts.

Symptoms of PCOD in Adolescents

  1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Young girls with PCOD may experience less than nine menstrual cycles per year. Others will not menstruate at all, whereas other girls may have heavy menstruation cycles.
  2. Excessive Hair Growth: High levels of androgen may lead to excessive growth of facial and body hair.
  3. Acne and Oily Skin: Other effects of high androgen levels.
  4. Weight Issues: It is quite common for PCOD sufferers to have difficulty in loosing weight or putting on weight.
  5. Darkening of Skin: In particular in the neck creases, the groin zone, and under the breasts.

PCOD management is based on the expertise of Surat’s gynecologists.

In handling pcosd in adolescents, the best gynecologist surgeon in Surat advocates for an individualized and patient-centered approach. They assist the young girls in handling these challenges through dietary advice, lifestyle changes, and sometimes through the prescription of medicines.

Surat’s medical infrastructure, including the top gynecologist hospital in Surat, has a wide range of modern diagnosing and treatment methods. These hospitals involve both hormonal assays and pelvic ultrasounds for proper diagnosis and management.

The Importance of Early Detection and Management

Untreated PCOD may result in conditions such as type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart disease, and even endometrial cancers.

In addition, PCOD is among the most prevalent causes of infertility. A lady’s doctor for pregnancy in Surat should identify these risks early, and institute appropriate intervention measures that will reduce these risks greatly.

Role of Lifestyle Interventions

Although medication is essential for dealing with PCOD, lifestyle changes are equally or even more important. It wonders how a balanced diet, exercise, plus stress management strategies will work.

The best maternity hospital in Surat provides highly specialized maternity care to adolescents with PCOD taking into consideration aspects of medical care, mental health, and nutrition.

Supporting Adolescents with PCOD

It’s not easy being a teenager and living with PCOD. It becomes more complex due to peer pressure, body image problems, and the general tumult that often characterizes teenage years.

The family and friends should always be supportive and should understand why they acted in that manner. For this reason, schools and other community centers could have an integral part in promoting awareness and acceptance.


PCOD is a problem faced by adolescents and therefore requires a multi-dimensional approach. The gynecologists in Surat coupled with the state-of-the-art facilities that are found in their hospitals give the young girls a number of the best options for healthcare services.

The enlightenment of society about PCOD facilitates adulthood in a healthier and happier way for teenagers. Provided with the right interventions, guidance, and support, PCOD is not an impossible challenge that cannot be controlled.

Address: 305- 3rd floor, galloping corridor, Vesu Canal Rd, near G D Goenka school, Vesu, Surat, Gujarat 395007

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